Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Reading opens minds

Everyone has heard it before: Want your child to succeed in life? Read to your kids.

It's true. My children are avid readers and when they open a book they enter a new world every time. Right ow I am reading The Chronicles of Narnia to my oldest child. We are currently on book 6 of 7... The Silver Chair. My oldest loves books like these, Series i mean. To her, it's like watching the characters grow with every book. After we are done the Narnia Series we will start on The Golden Compass series. She is eager to start The Golden Compass because of the movie that was made of it not to long ago. We have a rule though, if a book has been made into a movie, then you must read the book first. The movie is a treat for finishing the book. So you can see the characters and compare the visualizations that you have been making the whole book to what you see on the screen.

My youngest child loves her books. we have many Sandra Boyton books and we have come to find out that she has recently memorized most of the words to one or two of the books. Why? because we read them to her, because she loves to know all about them. By the way, she's only 2 1/2 years old.

By reading to your child, you create a love of reading and a love of imagination, because without one, you do not have the other.

So stop what you are doing, right now and pick up a childhood favorite, nestle down into the covers of your child's bed and begin the adventure TOGETHER.. and watch your child's life become amazing.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Cash Crate

So the other day I joined . I had heard alot of good things about this site so I thought I would try it out for myself. I just started so I have not received any checks yet, But I am hopeful.

I'll keep you updated about this. If you interested in cashcrate, link the link below

Sunday, August 24, 2008

How to create community...

Using only a pig, some chairs, a game of Petonk and copious amounts of booze.

The answer is quite simple really. You throw a pig roast! This is what we did this weekend and it was a blast!
If you are going to throw a party, you must always have two main ingredients: Food and Drink.
And it you want people to stay long enough, The food must be good and the booze must be better.
At our pig roast this weekend, we have so many bottles of different wines, many cans of beer, and some type of booze that could rot your face off.
The food was excellent. We decided to go the pot luck route this year and it is amazing how different everyone ise when it comes to thier cooking styles and techniques. We had everything from an all vegitarian caserole to an all meat casserole as well and many types of pesto, mustards, and any other fixins' you coulr think of. The pig was cooked to prefection.

But the best part of creating community is inviting everyone and meeting new people. That person across the road, you don't know well.. but once you invite them to eat with you, you learn so much more! They open up over a plate of food and a glass of wine, they tell you stories of thier lives and you tell some back. You laugh with the person and they start to become more than just a simple person.. they become a friend.

More than friendships are made at festivities such as these. Business arrangements are made, playdates, even apprenticeships are started. The woman down the road makes pickles a certain way you like, and she offers to teach you how to make them. a man has a tractor that has a bailer attatched to it, he offers to do you field. A mechanic is there, you ask him to take a look at your car. It's more than just a good time, it's a time to reconnect with old friends as well.

You build yourself a community by feeding people, by enjoying yourself with them.

It's amazing at what a simple thing as a barbeque can do for not just you, but for everyone around you.
Tonight I learned that the reason for life isn't just to live with it, but to live IN it. To take whats around you and embrace it, the people, the flavours, the feelings and the joy.